Friday, September 14, 2012

T-Shirt Bag

So for the past two days I have been working on T-Shirt bag. I finally finished it this afternoon. Unfortunately, I got so into it, I forgot pictures. But here is how you do it:

1: Get a t-shirt.

2:Cut from the shoulder line all the way down on both sides. The cut about 2 inches of the bottom.(Set aside) This should give your shirt a square look.

3:Cut below the collar, making a half circle shape.

4: Turn the shirt inside out and sew all the sides together, except the top.

5:Sew the 2 inch strip from the bottom of your shirt to each "shoulder" piece so it becomes your strap. (make sure you cut it so it is no longer a circle but a long line before doing this step)

You're done.

I sewed a pillow case in the inside as the shirt I picked is thin.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Fish Drawing

I saw something, somewhere, probably pinterest, that had a picture of a child making a gold fish out paint. My son loves fish. So, I grabbed the washable crayons and put his hand on some paper and traced around it. I then drew a bowl around it and let him go to town coloring it himself. He loved it. Also, the boys I watch loved it as well, when I tired it with them. The fish win.

Kid Friendly Paint

Have you ever given your toddler paint, even the color wonder ones that don't "mark" on anything but the paper? Have they put it in their mouth? Yea my son too. So here is a way to make paint you won't worry about the kids eating.

2 1/2 cups of water
1/4 cup of corn starch
Food coloring
small containers

1. Mix water, and corn starch in a saucepan and heat to a boil. Stir occasionally.


2. Once it has turned clear (ish) and thick, it's ready.

3. Put into containers and add a few drops of food coloring. Stir and enjoy.

Now I know we are all adults, but I feel like I need to say that after you heat this it's going to be very hot! Be careful. Let cool before letting kids play with it. Do not burn yourself mixing and pouring it. Ok, the mom in me feels better.


Update and Tips:
So I just got done painting with three toddlers (2.5, 1.5 and 1) I left our paint out too long to cool so it gelled. I had to add water and stir it to get it back to paint. It still had chucks of gel in it so it was a better sensory tool then paint. It did dry on paper. Also, the kids are very tie dyed now.

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